These times are very cruel ones, especially with the ever increasing rate in the crimes and atrocities against humans by either nature or other humans that belong to other social cader. With the time getting rotter, films that are trying to showcase these brutal stories have started to gain pace.
Recently, I have gone across a facebook page, which is called " Leeches- Short Film", as the name symbolizes, its a short film made on the child brides in the families which are unable to even get a glimpse of Poverty line, on the backdrop of streets of Old city, Hyderabad. Will provide all the links at the end of the article.
This Short film is being directed by Payal Sethi, who got several acclaims for her first short "Grant St. Shaving Co." For a brief glimpse at story, its about a 16 or so young girl by name Raisa, who goes on an adventure to get back her virginity to save her sister zainab from becoming one day bride.
Firstly, It is the story that got me and then made me think about the foolishness of humans and more than humans their beliefs. The plot has got a scent of thriller to it. The team of this film is going to launch a crowdfunding campaign shortly. I leave you some links that can give more information regarding the film and helps you to connect with their team. I hope you back this project by funding them, because it would be a one great act.
Official Website :

This Short film is being directed by Payal Sethi, who got several acclaims for her first short "Grant St. Shaving Co." For a brief glimpse at story, its about a 16 or so young girl by name Raisa, who goes on an adventure to get back her virginity to save her sister zainab from becoming one day bride.
Firstly, It is the story that got me and then made me think about the foolishness of humans and more than humans their beliefs. The plot has got a scent of thriller to it. The team of this film is going to launch a crowdfunding campaign shortly. I leave you some links that can give more information regarding the film and helps you to connect with their team. I hope you back this project by funding them, because it would be a one great act.
Official Website :